Archive for June, 2007

Magic Music

Friday, June 8th, 2007
Kid’s Magic

One of the players is sent out of the room, and the rest then agree upon some simple task for her to perform, such as moving a chair, touching an ornament, or finding some hidden object. She is then called in and some one begins to play the piano. If the performer plays very loudly the “seeker” knows that she is nowhere near the object she is to search for.

When the music is soft, then she knows she is very near, and when the music ceases altogether, she knows that she has found the object she was intended to look for or has found the task she is to perform.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

Image © BohPhoto @ Flickr, Attribution

“My Master Bids You Do As I Do”

Thursday, June 7th, 2007
Children Follow the Leader

For all those children who are fond of a little exercise no better game than this can be chosen.

When the chairs are placed in order round the room the first player commences by saying: “My master bide you do as I do,” at the same time working away with the right hand as if hammering at his knees.

The second player then asks: “What does he bid me do?” in answer to which the first player says: “To work with one as I do.” The second player, working in the same manner, must tum to his left-hand neighbor and carry on the same conversation, and so on until everyone is working away with the right hand.

The second time of going round the order is to work with two; then both hands must work; then with three; then both hands and one leg must work; then with four, when both hands and both legs must work; lastly with five, when both legs, both arms, and the head must be kept going. Should any of the players fail in keeping in constant motion a forfeit may be claimed.

Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain

Image © goodnight_photography @ Flickr, Attribution

Judge and Jury

Tuesday, June 5th, 2007
Kids Court

Another Classic Game below, but first – Stickers!

Kerflop, and her sister Manda Girl, are running a Sticker Swap. They are looking for a few more people to participate.

So head on over and sign up, because who doesn’t need more stickers?

Now, the fun classic game as promised :)

I Sell My Bat, I Sell My Ball

Friday, June 1st, 2007
Children Baseball

Gastro Kid has a whole bunch of great recipes and food ideas for the kids and family. They are even growing Fava beans with their kindergartener’s.

Everyone loves summertime drinks, and children are no exception – Here’s how they let their children join in on the fun with childrens “mixed” drinks.

Thanks for the ideas! Now, one classic children’s game coming right up…