What is book-keeping?
Answer: Forgetting to return borrowed volumes.
Why is scooping out a turnip a noisy process?
Answer: Because it makes it hollow.
Why are teeth like verbs?
Answer: Because they are regular, irregular, and defective.
What ships hardly ever sail out of right?
Answer: Hardships.
When is an artist a dangerous person?
Answer: When his designs are bad.
Why are tortoiseshell-combs like citadels?
Answer: They are for tresses.
Why is the Isthmus of Suez like the first “u” in cucumber?
Answer: Because it is between two “c’s” (seas).
What motive led to the invention of railroads?
Answer: The locomotive.
When is the best time to get a fresh egg at sea?
Answer: When the ship lays to.
Who was the First whistler?
Answer: The wind.
What tune did he whistle?
Answer: Over the hills and far away.
Why need a traveler never starve in the desert?
Answer: Because of the sand which is (sandwiches) there.
Why is sympathy like blindman’s-buff?
Answer: Because it is a fellow feeling for a fellow creature.
If a Frenchman were to fall into a tun of tallow, in what word would he express his situation?
Answer: In-de-fat-i-gabble. (Indefatigable.)
Games for All Occasions by Mary E. Blain